Rejlers in Alicante day 3

The last day in Spain with Rejlers was a very surprising one. Since this was a conference, we had to have some kind of organized activity together and the plan was for a few suppliers to hold product presentations. They introduced themselves and they all said things like: “During my hour of presentation, I will go over a detailed history, statistics, and an overview of all our products”, “We will take short breaks inbetween”, and so on. One slide said: “Does this seem like an okay agenda?” Everyone just nodded solemnly, because we did after all get a lot of free time and this was “the price to pay”, haha! The next slide said: “OR, we could go and do something fun instead?”

Haha, wow, they had us all fooled. Or at least some of us, me and Lisa didn’t really understand at first, maybe we were tired. They will have the product viewings back in Sweden and this day we focused on team building instead which I felt was very neccessary since I never work together with the other groups in Buildings Gothenburg. We were divided into 4 teams and first we had four stations with activities to solve together as a group. Then there was a very thorough scavenger hunt throughout Albir. They had done an amazing job of putting it together. It involved tasks such as dressing one person up as a pirate, doing a self portrait of one of the team members made out of toilet paper and the referees had to guess who it was. We built a tower out of the rocks on the beach. It was a really fun activity together. The self portrait of me made by toilet paper. I was the only one with long hair in our group so it was easy. Our beautiful rock tower.

It was much more windy than the day before so the rest of the day was spent by the pool except for two hours when we went for a walk to a lunch restaurant where I had the best grilled goatcheese sourdough sandwich ever.

The trip home started with our alarms going off at 3:50. Transfer to the airport at 4:20. Take off at 7:00 and then bus and tram all the way home. It sucked coming back to 8C and rain, but it also is very nice to be home. being around coworkers 24/7 (even if I didn’t join them at bars and nightclubs in the evenings) was exhausting for me as an introvert. Lisa was an amazing roomie though 🙂

I understand  why they booked the trip mostly on a weekend, but it was hard coming back home and going straight back to work and an overfull email inbox. Great trip though! 🙂

Rejlers in Alicante day 2

The second day of RejTrip was spent on the beach. And yes, a Swede’s first real day in the sun definitely resulted in sunburns. Even if I had sunscreen on! But it was so great. Laying on the beach. Reading. Going in the water. Talking to coworkers. A full day on the beach was what I needed today. My original plan was to go to Alicante (we’re staying in Albir, 40min northeast of Alicante) and play beach volleyball with the local club. I was so excited, but last night I learned that the taxi would be 100 Euro. One way. No thank you. A small break could be good again.

Breakfast at the hotel was better than the dinner buffet. They had all the usual stuff. Nothing super extraordinary. Many people were hungover and Farid and Andreas didn’t even make it to breakfast because they felt so bad, haha! I’m glad I went to bed early because I’ve been feeling amazing all day. Lisa and Farid used electric scooters and went around the city. Andreas joined a big group of us at the beach at lunch time and people came and went through the day. Stefan and I were the two who stayed the longest, until 6pm.

The weather wasn’t great today though. The day started with amazing weather. Completely blue sky and 23C perhaps? Many people went in the water early on but I wanted to get a little bit warmer first. But I waited too long and when I should have felt ready, the sea smoke rolled in and it got cold. It lasted for so long, that fog usually clears pretty fast, but this didn’t. It was a while after lunch that it cleared and it got super nice again. By that time, Lisa and Farid had joined us and all of us from Project Management (except Annika, our boss), went into the ice cold water. It couldn’t have been more than 16C. It was cold. But I’m proud of myself for calming down and actually staying in for a bit. It didn’t take long after that when the fog rolled in again and it got cold once more. But the sun came out pretty quickly for the third time and the rest of the day was perfect.


The fog rolled in over the plateau.

It’s been like a typical Swedish summer day. The wind is kinda chilly, but the sun warms you up. I definitely wouldn’t mind 8C warmer though. I missed Gili T today, haha! 30C both on land and in the water, haha!

Dinner today was better than yesterday and Lisa and I decided to spend the evening in the room instead of going out and doing exactly what they did yesterday. We went for a walk in Albir, looking for a supermarket to buy some chips and snacks. Both of our bodies screamed after salt.

Tomorrow morning we will go for a run and do a workout at the beach before breakfast and at 9 we will start the conference part of this trip. So our alarms will ring at 6:30am, woho!

Rejlers in Alicante day 1

I have now worked at Rejlers for a little bit more than a year. I can’t believe how fast time has flown. One year at my new workplace is celebrated in Spain with my coworkers on our RejTrip with the Buildings Divisions in Gothenburg (because we made such a great result last year).

The day started with me waking up next to Mikael and him playing Aretha Franklin’s “Freedom” on his phone. He has been excited to have the apartment all to himself for a few days, haha! Then Lisa and Johan came over to my place and mom picking us up to drive us to the airport.

40 or so people in RejTrip shirts at the airport was fun to see!

We checked in. Lisa and I got seats next to each other on the airplane. She slept for the most time and I read a lot in Elantris. Wow! So much happening that it was hard to stop. It’s incredible and I can’t wait until I’m done writing this so I can get back to reading it.

We landed at 14:30 in Alicante, took a shuttle bus to Albir Playa Hotel & Spa, 40 min northeast of Alicante where we will spend the next few days. The hotel is nice. It’s 1km walk to the beach, not too bad. The pool area is really nice.

After we checked in, Lisa, Andreas, Farid and I walked to the beach and hung out at a bar until it was time for dinner at the hotel. The beach was rocky, but beautiful. The water was so blue and there was a really nice beach walk.

The buffet at the hotel was large and I’m sure many things were delicious. But my stomach has been acting really badly lately (I actually was afraid last night that I would have to cancel my trip), so I went up to the room while everyone else went to the beach and some bars. I really don’t mind the alone time. These days will be tough for an introvert like me, social battery-wise.

It’s around 23C and according to weather apps it will be sunny for the duration of our whole trip. So nice!